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Paper Roses

Let me start off by saying that I have never had any interest in Historical Fiction. I had the opportunity to download the digital version of this book for free from Amazon. It was one of the best book decision I ever made. This story opened my eyes to a whole genre of reading that I never thought I would enjoy.

Paper Roses by Amanda Cabot is a Christian Historical novel about a young woman who is faced with being the sole caretaker of her two year-old sister after a tragedy takes the lives of their parents. In order to start a new life she offers herself as a mail order bride. After falling in love with Austin Canfield thought his heartfelt letters, she refers to as paper roses. Sarah with her sister, makes the journey from Philadelphia to Texas. When Sarah arrives she learns that her Fiance Austin Canfield is dead. His brother Clay offers to pay her way back to Philadelphia.

Sarah decides to stay in Texas and is determined to make a life for herself and sister. Through the course of the story you an see a relationship grow between Clay and Sarah. The two main characters fight these feelings. Clay is distant and Sarah is full of pride. This book had a little bit of everything, love, faith in god and even a murder mystery thrown in. However, if you are looking for a sexy read, this is not it. I will be honest, I don't have much experience with Christian fiction. A story about a mail order bride sort of has an erotic ring to it. I kept thinking this is it they are going to have sex, but then I would remember that this was Christian!. I found Paper Roses beautifully written and the characters intriguing. I am looking forward to reading more from this Author.

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